Eucalyptus Essential Oil
Eucalyptus Essential Oil
Eucalyptus Essential Oil
Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Essential Oil

Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Sale priceRs.800

Elevate Your Wellness with Pure Essential Oils


℮ 15 ml

Native Organics Eucalyptus Essential Oil is a premium-quality oil derived from the eucalyptus tree. This 15ml dropper bottle provides an easy and convenient way to enjoy the numerous benefits of this potent oil.



  • Respiratory Health: Eucalyptus oil has been used for centuries to help clear the respiratory system and improve breathing. Inhaling the aroma of eucalyptus oil can help soothe the throat, reduce congestion, and improve overall respiratory health.
  • Pain Relief: Eucalyptus oil has anti-inflammatory properties, making it a popular choice for pain relief. When used topically, it can help reduce joint and muscle pain severity and improve overall comfort.
  • Improved Concentration: Eucalyptus oil has a sharp, refreshing scent that can help improve concentration and alertness. Inhaling the aroma of eucalyptus oil can help increase focus and clarity, making it a popular choice for students, office workers, and anyone who needs a boost of mental energy.
  • Enhanced Immunity: Eucalyptus oil has antifungal and antibacterial properties, making it a powerful tool for boosting the immune system. Regular use of eucalyptus oil can help ward off illness, improve overall health, and enhance immunity.
  • Increased Energy: Eucalyptus oil has a revitalizing scent that can help increase energy levels and improve mood. Inhaling the aroma of eucalyptus oil can help combat feelings of fatigue and promote feelings of energy and well-being.


  • Topical Application: To benefit from eucalyptus oil on the skin, dilute a few drops with a Native Organics carrier oil such as coconut or sweet almond oil. Apply the mixture directly to the desired area.
  • Aromatherapy: To use eucalyptus oil for aromatherapy, add a few drops to a diffuser or your bath water. The refreshing scent can help improve concentration, increase energy levels, and boost mental alertness.


  • Avoid using eucalyptus oil undiluted on the skin, as it may irritate.
  • If pregnant or nursing, consult with a healthcare provider before use.
  • Keep out of reach of children and pets.
  • Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

It's important to remember that essential oils should not replace traditional medicine, and it's always best to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating any new products into your routine.


Eucalyptus Globulus
100% Eucalyptus Essential Oil

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