Welcome aboard Native Organics, where the healing power of nature meets the precision of science, and tradition defies boundaries. Our story is that of three passionate partners, each unique in their acumen, quirks, and capacities, but all driven by a shared vision.

Meet Native's Founders: Hammad, Ghada and Hashim

Take Hammad's engineering prowess and design expertise, Ghada's creativity and digital marketing experience, and Hashim's business acumen and pharmaceutical background, and you get a dream team. But how did we get together? We call each other college friends, but in truth, we really got to know one another once we graduated and sought each other’s creative spirits out in a relentless pursuit of innovation.

Our journey didn't start as a perfectly packaged dream. It began with a cacophony of a gazillion ideas, a medley of trials and errors that spanned months, and endless sleepless nights getting down to the very itty bitty nitty gritties in an ode to create the perfect product. Every step along the way was a labor of love, from coming up with a name to when we finally registered our brand, making things official.

Then came the meticulous crafting of products and the rigorous testing. Believe us when we tell you that we are our first test subjects for each and every single product. The formulations had to be perfect. So when we say “No more, no less” we say it with our chest. It’s just the right amount of product you will need.

Before launching in the market, we had to hear from our loved ones and family members, friends, and obviously all the friends of friends. Out went samples and batches of products near and far, across borders and seas. And when the love started pouring in, when the din of “wow this really works wonders” was deafening, we knew we were ready for launch!

At Native, we wish to challenge societal norms in more ways than one. We want to break gender stereotypes in a society that has long associated beauty and wellness with one gender. We want to destigmatize using and promoting shopping locally. Not only can we create world-class products without importing a single ingredient, but we can also make global standards easily accessible to all.

Ethical Sourcing and Cruelty-Free Practices

Our commitment to ethical sourcing and cruelty-free practices is unwavering. We do not test our products on animals, and all testing occurs in-house, ensuring the highest standards of safety and quality.

Native Organics is more than a brand; it's our shared baby (with three parental guardians). We've poured our hearts and souls into its creation, supporting each other through thick and thin. Across borders and time zones, we've persevered because we believe in bringing wellness to your doorstep by elevating locally sourced ingredients and the value of nature's healing power.

Our journey has been full of laughter, exhaustion (the kind that brims with hope), and days that bled into late nights as we brainstormed while catching up on personal life. We've cherished every moment, and we invite you to get to know us a little better.

Every product has a story and is curated to tackle one more bump in your road to a healthier, better, and more fulfilled you. Whether you fancy a pocket pharmacy or are a skincare enthusiast, we have something for everyone. So go ahead, explore our products, and let nature and science transform your life.

We hope that Native Organics will remind you of your magic and potential. Our passion for beauty and wellness is not just skin deep. We believe beauty resides within each of us, and it is up to us to nurture what we already have. Allow us to help you appreciate, elevate, and cherish your unique beauty.

Welcome to Native Organics, where beauty has no gender, and wellness knows no boundaries!


Native's Parental Guardians